logo projet Life Cool Low Noise Asphalt

Surfacing tomorrow's roads

Summer heat and noise are among the biggest nuisances that both Parisians and city dwellers endure. Life Cool & Low Noise Asphalt is one of the Paris City Hall’s responses to these problems.
Co-funded by the European Union as part of its funding programme “LIFE” (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement), a financial instrument for environmental schemes, this project enjoys a partnership with Bruitparif and the firms Colas and Eurovia. The programme is introducing new forms of bituminous road surfacing on three Parisian pilot sites. Their innovative thermal and acoustic properties will be assessed up to 2027.
The aims are to reduce production of heat and noise, to extend the operation throughout the city of Paris, and to then expand it on a European scale.


pilot sites
in Paris


bituminous formulas

0 m

of surfacing laid,
1000 Parisians concerned


1,3 M€ of which
is from European funding


Real, lasting benefits for parisians :
noise and heat mechanical resistance

A more peaceful envrironment

A calmer, more temperate city encourages softer modes of transport.

Health preserved

A reduction of several decibels
will improve the quality of sleep and lower cardiovascular risks.

Costs kept under control

With an additional production cost below 10%, this innovative, resistant surfacing will not cost more for the local authority.

Enquête de satisfaction

Ressenti sur le bruit routier

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